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Therapist and psychologist licensed by the UNED with a specialty in Clinical Psychology, I practice an integrative psychology that synchronizes techniques from Rogers and Kelly with ACT and with a psychosomatic and bioenergetic approach, using the tools of music, yoga and meditation. I am a yoga therapist and integral yoga teacher of the Vellai Thamaray school, linked to the Ashram and Sri Aurobindo, in Pondicherry - India and a Therapeutic Listening therapist, an auditory neuro-stimulation technique based on the Tomatís test and programmed listening to classical music.

From the prior stage of my professional reconversion to Psychology, I bring experience as a lawyer specialized in Family, Civil and Commercial Law, as an Intercultural Mediator in Attention to the Victim.





- Psychotherapy to support emotional and cognitive restructuring in situations of existential confusion, relational conflict, in depressions due to illness or grief.

- Coaching aimed to persons who are facing an important moment in their professional career or in their emotional life.

- Individual Hatha Yoga sessions to complement the support and psychological dialogue for persons with anxiety, concentration difficulties,  disconnected from their body or persons who wish to deepen into their psychological problems through psychosomatic work and the expansion of the body awareness.

- Yoga Nidra sessions for persons who want to quit a habit, already abstinent people who want to prevent a relapse into addiction or persons who want to introduce a change in their life.

- Therapeutic listening sessions of classical music aimed at persons in stress situations who want to find a more regulated rhythm in their lives, return to authentic listening to themselves, aimed at children and adolescents with emotional regulation of language and learning difficulties.

- Introductory meditation sessions for persons who want to deepen the functioning of their mind or want to advance on their spiritual path.

- Group meditation.





First to my patients, who are now my teachers and who teach me by letting themselves be guided by me. Then, in the order in which they appeared in my life, my teachers and my initial teachers who have supported and guided me during the long years of searching towards the center of myself and who have made it possible for me to find the vocation that corresponds to my needs and capacities and through which I propose to contribute to the difficult process of human evolution.


First to my patients, who are now my teachers and who teach me by being guided by me. Then, in the order in which they appeared in my life, to my teachers and my initial teachers who have supported and guided me during the long years of searching for the center of myself and who have made it possible for me to find the vocation that corresponds to me. to my needs and capacities and through which I intend to contribute to the difficult process of human evolution.

Prof.Jean Pierre Male • Dr. Oscar Pujol Reimbau • Amelia  Bernasconi • Dr. Vincent Merlo• Saul Martínez and Carmen Horta • Jordi Colomer • daniel odier• Selvi and Ajit Sarkar Dr Mark Dyczkowski• Dr Vaghish Sastri •  Raul Gimenez • Miguel Jesus Sahaquillo • Magda Mercé • Blandine Calais-Germain• 

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