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“You can't teach meditation just as you can't teach sleep”, says my Integral Yoga teacher Ajit Sarkar in Pondicherry; But we can learn what to do, for allowing that state of meditation to arise naturally.

This state, in which the force of gravitation and the force of acceleration become equivalent (the "law of equivalence") and which allows the lightness of body and mind.

"... sitting on a moving vehicle

or moving one's own body extremely slowly,

one calms the mind and reaches a state of deep consciousness."

Vjñanabhaitavatantra is a fundamental text of Kashmir Sivaism that gathers 112 meditations.Verse 83 that collects meditation in slow movement integrates the chapter dedicated to the body as a source of meditation. We use here the translation from sanscrit to english made by prof.dr. Mark Dyczkowski.


Slow movement is a progressive awareness, through sensations, from the inside to outside, of the state of your joints, muscles and emotions, of the texture of the air that surrounds us.


For 20 minutes, immersed in intense music, with eyes closed if possible, sitting or with our feet firmly anchored on the ground, we investigate through the free movements of the spine, arms and head, expanding and relaxing with inspiration and deep expiration, we acknowledge.

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